That’s horrible. And having her removed the hijab isn’t going to do anything to reduce fear. Having her change the ordinary way she dresses would acknowledge in a way that there’s something to be afraid of.
Look, conservatives like that are often, probably usually, terrible people. They are likely Evangelical Christians with truly awful moral values. In all probability, if I came to that wedding with my boyfriend, they would treat us like shit.
In all probability, if an interracial couple came to that wedding, they would treat them like shit.
Those conservative people don’t need to be catered to. They need to be held to decent standards and told that if they don’t like it they can leave.
Many of our problems in the United States right now are due to the fact that we cater to horrible people and take their concerns seriously. We don’t need to cater to them, we need to tell them to shut their mouths and and stop being so horrible.