That's an interesting article but it seems to suffer from the viewpoint of presuming David, Saul, and Jonathon were historical figures and the Old Testament accounts are works of histiography. Neither is likely to be true. Scholars believe King Saul and King David were largely mythical creations (based on kernals of truth) not written about until the Babylonian Exile, hundreds of years after they reportedly lived.
So, a very pertintent question would be, how would Jews living in Babylon at the time of the writing have perceived the story? That strikes me as a lot more important than how ancient Isrealites of David's era (whenever that was) would have perceived things.
Missing from the analysis, by the way, are the reports of Saul loving David and calling him into his bedchamber to play music. There's little question in my mind how ancient Babylonians would have interpreted that. Young male musicians entered a Babylonian king's bedchamber for a very specific reason. Sexual relations. Often, they were eunuchs, but not always.
The Jews in exile who wrote the stories down were immersed in that culture. They had to have been aware of how those passsages would read to the average person.
That puts the whole later jealousy narrative in question. Was Saul jealous of David because David preferred Jonathon over him?
I think a contemporary reader would have wondered.
I also think a contemporary reader would not have been nearly so unlikely to presume sex was out of the question as the wiki author presumes, mostly because I think the wiki author overlooks when and where the story was written.