That's a serious problem at law here in the United States. We have a Supreme Court precedent that allows Amish parents, for religious reasons, to not provide a high school education to their children. I've written a couple of articles about that.
Amish kids leave school at 14, as a matter of religious principle, and while about 60% of them will stay in the Amish Church, the remaining 40% suffer tremendous marginalization and lack of opportunity in life.
They have no agency to choose education for themselves as minors, and by the time they turn 18, obtaining a high school education is extremely difficult if not impossible, for financial and other practical reasons.
So they mostly end up on the margins, impoverished. A significant percentage of this 40% who leave, by the way, leave because they are queer or because they are women who will not put up with sexist oppression.
This Supreme Court decision has empowered other religious parents, and some secular parents, to also deprive their children of equal opportunities compared to their peers.
The rights of the children are secondary or tertiary at best, in the eyes of US law and constitutional principles.
It's a serious problem we haven't even begun to grapple with, and when I've written about the issue, I've gotten as much pushback from the left as I have from the right.
Far too people many believe that young folks under the age of 18 don't or should not have rights independent from those of their parents.
We need to seriously reconsider how we think about this.