Thank you very much for laying out the reasons for why you stand up as an LGBTQ ally the way you do. I appreciate hearing about your journey!
I'm curious about the Third Order Franciscans, though. First, the only Third Order Franciscans I'm familiar with are Roman Catholic. I didn't realize the order included non Catholics. Is it just apostolic Christians like Roman Catholics and Episcopalians who can join the order?
Second, I've had some very disturbing interactions with Third Order Franciscans in Indiana and Michigan who are extraordinarily homophobic, to the point of violating federal law (on purpose) to discriminate against gay couples in a health-care chain they own.
I wrote an opinion piece for the Los Angeles Blade calling out their bigotry, and then a Roman Catholic nun in Denver who is a Third Order Fransiscan contacted me to protest my article. In a series of emails, she revealed herself to me as extraordinarily homophobic, which I wrote about in a separate story.
So, to me, when I hear about Third Order Franciscans, I assume they work to hurt queer people, because of their proven track record.
I like how your article today might take them to task in a way, by pointing out that their values of social justice do not align with some of their homophobic beliefs and practices.
Whether that was your intent or not, I would just like to say again that I really appreciate you standing up consistently for social justice and true inclusivity!
My story about a very disturbing interaction with a very homophobic Third Order Franciscan: