Thank God they don't! Given how judgmental and disgusting most American Christians are, I'd never in a million years want to see them responsible for helping out people in need.
The very first thing most Christians would do would be to cut off aid to marginalized people they don't like.
I'm a gay man. I've learned over a long life to mistrust and mostly hate Christians. Because they're mostly some of the most disgusting people in the universe.
If they don't like you, they'll move heaven and Earth to hurt you as much as they possibly can.
Just look at the horrifying anti-LGBTQ backlash going on all over the United States right now, led by conservative Christians. Led by, in other words, judgmental pigs.
There's nothing most Christians want more than to impose their religion on people who don't share it.
Obviously, we can't have people like that in charge of helping those in need.
It's bad enough that so many conservative Christians insist the United States is a "Christian nation" when it is no such thing, when it should offer welcome, succor, and support to all residents regardless of their religious beliefs or minority status.
Why do increasing numbers of people intensely hate Christians? Because of their judgmentalism, their gatekeeping, and their attempts to dominate society.
Suggesting that Christians should be responsible for charity is just one more attempt at dominating.
But you know what, we are going to fight you tooth and nail. People good will everywhere are going to stand up and force Christians to sit down and stay in their lane.
Just try taking over welfare programs. We will rise up and vilify you. We will rise up and destroy you.
But maybe we won't have to. Just look at the latest surveys from Pew and PRRI. Your days are numbered no matter what we do.
People see you for what you are, and they detest you.