Such important issues to raise! You know, over the past few years illness has left me increasingly physically challenged.
A decade ago I was training for a triathlon and regularly turning in 20+ mile weekend runs.
Yesterday, I didn't go down to the mailbox because I just couldn't face the pain of hobbling all the way there. I'm feeling better this morning, so I went and got the mail already, in case I feel worse later.
But anyway, learning to cope with a certain amount of physical disability has been eye-opening. I've learned that accommodations theoretically required by the Americans with Disability Act are often just pipe dreams. Lots of talking the talk, so to speak, but little walking the walk — no pun intended.
Recently, I pulled into a big parking lot and looked for the handicapped spots. They existed. About 50 m from the entrance. And this was a hospital!
I guess the handicap spots met some sort of municipal code or requirement. But they were nothing but a sick joke. Some bureaucrat dotted their i's and crossed their t's, and the hospital can pat themselves on the back for being in compliance with the ADA.
But that doesn't help people like me who have trouble walking.
We need so much more awareness and engagement on this issue!