Sorry I didn't see your story until now, but I have read accounts elsewhere, and I've seen the body cam video, which is beyond shocking.
Something that didn't shock me is that the killer cop was rude and angry almost from the moment the interaction started. He evidently didn't want to be responding to this call, and he was going to let the woman know by his tone of voice and body language that he resented her.
Also, she was evidently suffering from some kind of mental health problem, And by at least a couple minutes into the interaction, he clearly knew that. But instead of the knowledge making him empathetic and more anxious to help her, it seemed to make him even more resentful and hostile.
Protect and serve? My ass!
Something else worth pointing out is that this guy was on his 5th or 6th (I've read both numbers) policing job in 4 years. He had been removed or had resigned due to misconduct or poor behavior from his previous positions. But he had not been de-certified, and this sheriff's office apparently didn't see any problem hiring a cop whose conduct got him dismissed from so many other departments in such a short period of time.
Advocates for police reform call this kind of revolving door policy one of the root problems of American policing. It's the thin blue line of solidarity in just another incarnation, protecting violent, bullying cops.
It's one of the reasons why people in crisis in this country really should NOT call the police. Especially when Black.
Police culture today is far too toxic — militaristic, violent, deadly, and in no way designed or suited to providing help to people in need.
Unless the revolving door of violent, bullying cops is somehow closed, and until police unions lose the power to effectively protect violent, bullying cops, nothing is going to change.
Then throw racism into the mix, and the bonfire roars into frequent, fatal flames.