Sometimes cancel culture outrage is really about silencing people. When Dave Chappelle did his Netflix show that made a lot of people angry, I waited a couple weeks then wrote what I thought was a pretty objective piece talking about how I admire Chappelle but take great exception to what I received as blatant transphobia in his message.
Oh, the shouts of "cancellation" my article elicited. People were literally telling me to be quiet, to not talk about transphobia and Dave Chappelle. Me, with my little platform on Medium, and my somewhat bigger one with the LA Blade. Like I stand any chance of "canceling" a cultural juggernaut like Dave Chappelle – who, btw, Netflix just inked a contract with for more comedy specials.
If people are going to rip into me for sharing my opinion about transphobia, which is my actual job with the Blade, am I being canceled? I don’t know, but I know Chappelle sure isn’t.