Something interesting about dolphins is that they are predators, voracious obligate carnivores with few natural predators of their own, depending on where they live and what particular species they are.
They're highly social mammals devoted to their family groups. Together, they will often attack sharks that become threatening. They've even been known to defend humans being attacked by sharks.
But sharks often get a bad rap. Mostly they leave dolphins and humans alone. They eat what they need to eat to survive, just like dolphins.
But I like how you talk about humans choosing how we think and behave. It's a nice counter to the naturalistic fallacy, the idea that that which exists in nature is necessarily appropriate or good.
You often hear naturalistic arguments being advanced in opposition to queer rights, like "there are no gay animals," which isn't even true, but which proponents advance to say that being gay must be wrong because it doesn't exist in nature.
But the best of human culture often transcends nature, doesn't it?
We're not slaves to our biology.
We can CHOOSE to love and nurture and cherish. We could reject cruelty.
It's up to us.