Some of Trump’s supporters really are meth addled, but most of them aren’t. Whether they are or not, the kind of people who support Trump love this shit. They get off on firing squads and gas chambers.
Yeah, they shout! Do it!
Of course Trump’s people approved this. It’s who they are. It’s the evil he’s tapped into.
You know what his staff were busy with the day after the attempted insurrection? Making sure homeless kids can’t be taken care of by LGBTQ people, Muslims, or Jews.
Seriously, they really did that. I wrote up the details for a Medium story.
Biden’s going to make sure nobody gets executed by firing squad. But he’s going to need about a year to overturn those foster care and adoption regulations.
Real children will languish in institutions because of Trump and his meth addled, deplorable, evil supporters.
Know what really rocks? The Republican party isn’t ready to toss Trump out yet.
They still think he’s pretty cool. 25th amendment? Hell no, they like the guy!