Sodom? Tomczak actually cites the story of Sodom as anti-gay? I didn't think anybody had the gall to read it like that anymore. I don't know of any serious theologian who believes a story of gang rape and murder of strangers has anything to say about gay people. No wonder Grant doesn't want to talk to him.
And Dietrich Bonhoeffer?
It's funny how conservative Christians have latched on to his teachings about resisting immoral government. The conservatives are coming at it from a position of resisting same-sex marriage, which causes them no harm and is fundamentally none of their business.
Bonhoeffer, whose resistance of the Nazis led, together with his theological writings, to the formulation of contemporary liberation theology, is a hero on the Christian left, for the most part.
When Bonhoeffer wrote about resisting immoral government, he was writing about the German Nazi government, about persecution and murder of the Jews, ethnic minorities, and even trans and gay people. He was writing about resisting persecution and genocide.
Conservative Christians like Tomczak who equate resisting moral atrocities like genocide with resisting gay people getting married are making a perverse and deeply offensive argument. Their thoughts on the very nature of morality are questionable.
What is morality to them? Forcing their interpretation of Christianity on society at large, on Christians like Amy Grant who believe differently than they do?
So it would seem.
As a strong proponent of personal conscience and individual liberty, Bonhoeffer despised that kind of thinking. I'm sure he wouldn't have gotten on at all well with Tomczak and his authorization impulses.
Clearly, Amy Grant isn't on board either. Good for her.