So true, Kristen Nadel! Heck, I meant my second partner online back when Netscape Navigator was how people did the Internet.
I mean, the reality is for LGBTQ people, the local dating pool is really small unless you live in some huge mecca. And clubs and bars just aren’t everybody’s scene.
I don’t mind going out for a beer and a little dancing, but I’ve never met anybody that way. Some people can do it, but it’s not my thing.
I’m an introvert at heart, though I can navigate public spaces just fine. It’s just takes me time to really connect with somebody. I’ve always found that the Internet helps that process enormously.
I ask myself why that’s so when I have made plenty of close cis/straight friends without the help of the Internet.
I think part of the answer is that I’ve met those people at work and at regular social events where I see them a lot. Friendships evolve naturally in settings like that.
Given the percentages, however, just knowing another gay guy at work isn’t something that’s likely to happen for me often. Natural friendship and more isn’t going to blossom, because the opportunity is not there.
So the Internet just makes everything happen so much more easily and naturally.
That’s my take, anyway!