So true! But for me, it was a beginning. The Chauvin murder started me down a road of closely examining racist police conduct in the United States.
I ended up subscribing to dozens of YouTube channels that daily expose police brutality, usually racist in basis. Everyday, I watch videos of cops mercilessly brutalizing people, mostly people of color.
I watch so MANY cops who are not actively doing the brutalizing standing by and letting it happen. Distressingly often, they laugh and joke about it after. They're so brazen about it that they make the laughs and jokes on body cam, knowing their superiors will eventually see it if the incident gets investigated. They don't care. They know for sure that their superiors have their backs.
I watch police departments and police unions issue statements backing up the brutality, claiming that the officers acted out of necessity, when they clearly and obviously just chose brutality over de-escalation or simple professionalism.
I follow the careers of police officers fired for unjustified brutality, who then move on to the nearest adjacent police department or sheriff's office and get rehired. By superiors who were perfectly aware of their brutality track record.
I especially enjoy watching videos by a certain former sheriff's deputy and police officer who publishes videos several times a week. He's a Black man who could not bring himself to continue in a law enforcement career, not when he was surrounded by so much unapologetic brutality and racism.
What's especially instructive about his YouTube channel is that he's often dogged by white cops who are filled with disgust at him. Who attempt to justify their brutal behavior.
Just reading their comments makes it so clear that police in the United States are out of control — brutal, evil, racist monsters.
Their culture is so cruel and horrible. They'll self-justify just about any depraved act of violence, even violence against children.
I don't know what the answer is, but more of us had better start waking up. This is our society, and our taxes pay those monsters.
We are morally culpable in their violent depravity.