So, I’m writing the second draft of a long genre-bending, queer, coming-of-age, geopolitical thriller. Each chapter alternates character perspective in a third-person, close-up POV.
Every character has their own voice, and the voice of the narrator alters perceptively as perspective shifts. (Or at least it’s supposed to.)
That’s a fairly huge writerly challenge all in its own. Bigger challenge? One of the characters is a Black woman.
I don’t have any trouble thinking about voicing my other characters, even though some of the are gay, some straight, some Russian, some American, and some German.
But voicing Juliette? Hm. I have wondered. But this is a novel, and her character matters deeply, for all sorts of reasons.
I feel that the downside of NOT voicing her would be erasing her.
So, I try.
Here’s a chapter she’s featured in.