Same thing happens to me! Just Saturday morning, when I actually happen to be in a really good mood, some asshole decided it was important for him to reply to one of my stories by telling me that I might be a sinner, that I might be an intrinsically immoral person, that he doesn't have the "hubris" to know for sure his god doesn't condemn me.
I ripped him a new asshole, of course, but I get that kind of shit constantly, pretty much every day on some social media platform or another, mostly from Christians who just CANNOT STOP being dicks, even this guy who had the audacity to tell me he's a progressive Christian.
Well, that "progressive" Christian with his asshole moral condemnation turned my entire Saturday morning of good cheer and humor to bitter defense of my basic humanity and intrinsic morality.
I wish I knew why assholes like that vile Christian feel entitled to shit out of their mouths.
I should post a disclaimer to all my stories: You think I'm not an intrinsically moral person just because I'm gay? Keep that shameful thought to yourself. You absolutely do not have my permission to personally insult me.
You think that kind of disclaimer would be unnecessary, but people constantly feel entitled to debate my own human worth with me. I'm shocked that they don't understand how personally I despise them for it.