Rural American here. I can’t wait to make the hour drive into the nearest big city and get my vaccine. We’ve heard rumors there may be closer access points eventually, but so far nobody is sure.
I’m worried about some of my neighbors for whom an hour drive is a far bigger obstacle than it is for me. Some people around here are very poor, and there is also the large community of Amish people who don’t have routine access to motorized transportation. I don’t know about other parts of the United States, but the Amish people in this area have been taking the pandemic quite seriously. They’ve been masking and distancing, important given their customary large social gatherings. They want the vaccine.
Getting them inoculated, and getting other people around here with transportation challenges indoculated, is going to take creative thinking on the part of county health officials.
I hope somebody has been thinking about how to get hundreds if not thousands of people transported.