Reminds me of myself recently! I was in the hospital for a quite painful illness that had me hopped up on IV morphine, ... fairly "babbly" or effusive.
A nurse walked into my room while some other nurses were trying unsuccessfully (and painfully) to draw blood. Perhaps to distract me, she said, "I remember you! Weren't you a patient here recently?"
"No," I said, "but I was a frequent visitor on this floor back in February when my neighbor was here."
Then, I said, "I remember you too. You're the pretty one!"
It took me about two seconds to want to bite my tongue off. I quickly corrected myself. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to say that. I'm gay and I'm just trying to come from a place of respect and appreciation, but that wasn't the right way to do it."
She instantly reassured me that I was fine, but I'm still embarrassed about it.
And I'm reminded of how unconscious socialization can program us. It I hadn't been on morphine, I'm pretty sure I never would have said that. But with some inhibitions released, my brain resorted to previously scheduled programming, as it were.