Reminds me of a funny story. When I was eight or nine, my dad was doing what we might call a "side hustle" today, breeding and training bird dog puppies. We lived in a big farmhouse, and he had kennels set up on the property. I remember one day he took me out to the kennels with him and let me watch while he put a male in with a female in heat.
I had no idea what I was watching, but dad gave me something of a talk about it. By the time he was finished with his little talk, I had some small understanding of what had just happened, but not really. Nor did I understand what it might possibly have to do with people.
Decades later, we spoke about it again, and he was kind of surprised because he thought that had been a thorough sex education for me. Lol
The gulf between what I learned and what he thought he taught... that's a really good illustration of your point, I think.