Religious homophobes don't care if we gay people are born attracted to members of the same-sex. For the most part, they don't actually think we choose our attractions. They mostly know better.
Overwhelmingly, they teach and believe that our relationship choices are evil and condemned by their cruel god. They preach that we should live without romantic/partnership love. They preach that if we choose not to be celibate, then we are sinning — committing acts of grave evil. The Catholic Church actually calls our choice to love an "act of grave depravity." Literally. They teach that to millions of school children around the world every day. Every day. Grave depravity. Every day. And people accept that, like it's not cruel monstrosity. That's one of the reasons I'm so filled with disgust toward Catholic nuns and priests. They have to affirm that monstrosity just to take their vows. They are monstrously evil.
Conservative Protestant Christians use every bit as much condemnatory language, though it's not as uniform in how it's stated.
Sometimes Christians who condemn us morally pretend they can "help" us change our sexual attractions, but that's really secondary. They insist that we lead loveless, celibate lives whether we're able to change our attractions or not. (Which a century of good medical data says we are not, by the way.)
Many or most of these Christians are perfectly aware that we're born gay — in the sense that we're born attracted to members of the same sex.
But their revolting religious faith sees to it that they don't care, that they exercise no empathy, that they behave like monsters toward us.
And they do. Constantly.