Red alert! A teenager used words some adults find socially unacceptable! God must hate that!
Sadly, the Christianity proposed by your commenter matches too many of my own experiences: "We're better than you, because we know what holy means, and we live our lives in a pure way that we know God wants."
That sentiment is not always as blatantly expressed as the example you showed us, but it sure is prevalent.
I took a few minutes to listen to the teenager's rap, and while I'm no fan of the genre either, I get the sense that he has a lot more to say than "swear" words for shock value.
Looks like he's a fan of hyperbole too.
Maybe some of these good Christians should engage with him and find out what he's thinking and feeling, why he's rapping what he's rapping – before they decide they know him by works they haven't bothered to try to understand.