Preach it! You got my blood going, brother!
It's probably worth mentioning that the Heritage Foundation does not consist of rational people. The foundation was formed by and is run by extremist right-wing, Evangelical Christians — for the most part.
Let's be clear about what that means:
We're talking about people who have built a museum devoted to the idea that evolution does not happen. It's right next to a museum of what's supposed to be a literal recreation of Noah's ark, because they believe the entire world was once flooded and the Noah story is literally true. Because they believe every word of the Bible is literally true.
It's probably impossible to overemphasize what utter superstitious fools these people are.
You can't reason with them, because reason doesn't matter to them. Only their howlingly ignorant Christian superstitions matter to them.
Which is a very important reason all rational, decent people need to vote against the Republican Party and its covenant with the far Christian Right.