Pope Francis recently explained that women can never be priests by invoking the Marian/Petrine principles, which are based in complementarian ideas – men and women are fundamentally different and have their own distinct roles, as reflected in the Church itself.
Many Catholic women are calling his explanation out as not just sexist, but offensively sexist, cementing as it does the idea that men are born to exercise power and authority while women are born to nurture and care for others.
But that aside, your question raises something fundamental for me. Why are conservative Christians so emotionally caught up with OTHER people getting married? Remember the congresswoman who literally broke down in tears the other day because of the Respect for Marriage Act? She actually cried because people who have nothing to do with her and will never impact her life might get married.
I can’t wrap my mind around these busy body Christians who think that it’s their natural right to dictate how other people live.
What’s wrong with these Christians? Why are they such authoritarian, bullying monsters?
What is it about their religion that makes them believe that they have the right to dictate to other people?
I don’t understand why they are so horrible, I just cannot understand.