Pope Francis is a disgusting homophobic and transphobic bigot. He's also a disgusting sexist pig.
I'm a gay man, and I'm sickened that Pope Francis's church (your chosen Church!) llabels me depraved and disordered — and that Pope Francis himself has stood firmly against efforts in the German-speaking Church to change those sickening beliefs and teachings. What a disgusting monster he is, and what a disgusting Church he leads.
Pope Francis claims that transgender people destroy nature! What an evil piece of garbage he is for deploying such vicious hate speech against members of such a marginalized minority. He is so foul.
He's banned gay men from training in seminary for the priesthood, and he's done so twice behind closed doors using horrific homophobic language about gay people like me. He got caught doing it twice when he thought queer people and our allies weren't listening. He pointedly did not apologize for his horrific hate speech.
He's monstrous. He's a homophobic pig.
Francis categorically rejects the possibility of women in the priesthood or even the deaconate. He's a disgusting sexist pig. He's an unapologetic, patriarchal, male supremacist. Pure poison.
The Catholic Church in all of its traditions treats us queer people like absolute shit.
Here in the United States, in many places including where I live, queer people are banned from the sacraments. Even from burial in a Catholic cemetery. That's not to even mention Italy, the worst place in western Europe for queer people to live, directly because of the vicious, disgusting teachings of the Catholic Church.
Your Church's rraditions are sickening, disgusting, and vile — especially given that queer people like me have long been in the crosshairs of your evil, vicious traditions.
I spit on your sickening traditions.
I recognize that the Catholic Church is viciously disrespectful toward and hateful toward queer people like me. And I call for Catholics of good will everything you can to reform your sickening, disgusting traditions.
Your traditions are jaw-droppingly evil.
And Pope Francis is a foul, transphobic, homophobic, sexist pig.