"Please… I find many men in my orbit to be hot, delectable morsels, but I don’t jump over the counter or run down the street to put my hands on them."
Hear, hear! Let me chime in agreeing as a gay man. Gay men, especially when we’re out partying when we're younger, are quite likely to party shirtless, to display our bodies. I used to go to clubs, take my shirt off, tie it around my waist, and dance.
Guess how many times I was sexually assaulted?
Zero times.
Oh, occasionally a man I wasn't interested in would put his hands on me (never in anger or violence, that I can recall) and a simple shake of the head was enough to tell him no and have that no respected.
This is entirely common in the young gay world and pretty much smashes the myth that men cannot control themselves. Sure we can!