Particularly reprehensible when you consider that one of the ways Hitler cemented his power was through the so-called Night of the Long Knives, when the Nazi Party leader had hundreds of his political enemies and rivals summarily executed.
One of those rivals was Ernst Röhm, head of the SA, who was quite notoriously gay. The killings were shocking to many German people, but Hitler used Röhm's sexuality (which had never bothered him before) to justify the executions. So in the German press, Night of the Long Knives was presented (in part) as a fight against depravity and immorality — as a struggle against the queerness that was corrupting the German people.
Nothing new under the sun, huh?
This guy, with the leading podcast in the United States, thinks that the Nazis’ fight against queerness was admirable.
Over and over, we see Republicans and conservative thought leaders embracing authoritarianism —whether it's praising President Putin of Russia or justifying Nazi atrocities.
I guess we marginalized people are used to it. But it's hard to take.
I published a story a few days ago about a 16-year-old trans student in relatively liberal Massachusetts getting the shit kicked out of him because he's queer.
I kind of thought there wasn't much point to my writing about it, because I was sure that mainstream news media would be picking it up, and people would see the tragic human results of political hate rhetoric. And, you know, maybe be motivated to do something about it.
I was wrong. Mainstream news media did not pick the story up. Not even Medium is interested in promoting it.
As once again, our marginalized voices and our stories get buried in "history" written by the powerful and the "normal."