P&P editors were discussing this topic several days ago, and the two of us (including me) who live in bear country were just rolling our eyes.
Because you know, bears don't go after people. They don't target humans as prey. I've gone into the woods around here very often, sometimes in search of morel mushrooms, and every time I do I'm technically alone in the woods with bears.
It's not like I'll see one, because they're shy.
The only way I would ever be in any danger, despite the significant bear population around here, would be if I accidentally got between a mother and her cub. Or if I inadvertently trod on a sleeping bear, which is not going to happen given the shy thing.
Humans sure do target other humans, though. Frequently. Coincidentally, I was just (this morning) the target of fraud by at least two men who were pretending to be employees of Amazon.
And so it goes ...