Oh my fucking God!!! Linda Caroll, a horrifying piece of vile human scum named nua has somehow managed to publish the most depraved, revolting, evil homophobic garbage I’ve ever seen. And they’ve published it on Illumination!!!!!!!!
What vile homophobic editor allowed this horrifying monstrosity to see the public light?
What editor allowed this bigoted pig to have their depraved words amplified?
Nua! Hear me now, pig. Decent human beings will destroy you and your revolting message. You are lower than scum. Your evil is so disgusting that decent people want nothing more than to spit on you and destroy you!
Linda, how in the hell did this happen? How could Illumination do such a revolting thing? Which of your editors is the disgusting piece of shit who allowed this putrid filth to see the light of day?
Please tell me this article will be removed from Illumination at once, the homophobic pig who wrote it removed as as writer, and the editor who approved this monstrous article immediately fired and removed as an Illumination writer forever.
Please tell me Illumination renounces and reviles homophobic bigotry as a matter of course and that allowing this homophobic pig to publish was a mistake that will be instantly corrected and that will never repeat itself.
cc: Dr Mehmet Yildiz Esther Spurrill-Jones Fred Shirley Brian Fehler Chris Hedges Caseyboth Joe Luca Rosennab Sinem Günel Lindsay Brown Britni Pepper Erin King Charlotte Zobeir Ali Kylie Fuller Rebecca Stevens A. Jim McAulay🍁 Dew Langrial Jesús Salazar BFoundAPen, Ikedi Oghenetega, neil chapman, David Wade Chambers, Artemis Shishir, Sean Stephane Martin, Gabriela Penelope Carolus, Lois Shearing, Valentine Wiggin, b.henriques, Carl Rebeiro, Rodney Frazier, Simon Z. Brian Fehler, Cassie Brighter, Deneishia Jacobpito, Ronald C. Flores-Gunkle, James Patrick Nelson, Brigid Maloney, Gabriela, Presley Thomas, Evan McCoy, Loren Olson, Ken Wilson, Chandler Myer, James, NaNa’sworld, Liam Heitmann-Ryce, Elle Fredine, Tre L. Loadholt, Tabitha Lowndes, Jonathan | sex & theology, Melissa Speed, Emma Nwosisi, Arabelle J., Edris Quinn C., Zoey Milford, Ellie Rebecca, Dave Smurthwaite, Till Kaeslin, Dr. Thomas J. West III, Melissa Speed, Prickly Pam, Dawn McGrath, Edis Rune, Kim Barrett, Srinath, Steve Alexander, Cristiano Diprima, William Kuhn, Dennett, Michael Constable, Jim Martens, Stephen Foster, Anahit Moumjian, Kristen Nadel, Taylor Woods,