"Now, five years after all of this happened barely anyone even remembers him."
Indeed, and it's interesting to see how he's adapting his message to the platforms that actually are available to him. In the last year or so, he's rejected his formerly public gay identity to claim he's chosen to become straight.
He's pounding anti-LGBTQ drums in a bid to be accepted by people on the far smaller platforms the radical right provide.
And still, his voice goes almost entirely unnoticed by the general public, which is great for people in the crosshairs of his irresponsible fear mongering and hate mongering.
Yes, de-platforming is necessary sometimes, and it works, but major platforms are far too reluctant to use it.
I'm working on a story right now about how a children's hospital in Washington DC had its online and phone systems put out of commission this week because an anti-LGBTQ influencer with millions of followers tweeted false information about them. This is the second hospital in 2 weeks that she's targeted, another Facebook nor Twitter will take responsibility for the real world consequences.