Not just an idiot and a jerk, but a lazy idiot and a jerk. I take as much exception to the concept of laziness, by the way, as Dr. Devon Price does, and I’m not using it in this context to hype capitalistic norms of people working themselves to fucking death.
All I’m saying is, there’s almost no effort-cost to wearing a mask. Yeah, yeah, I remember back at the beginning of the pandemic how it was kind of difficult sometimes, especially since I wear glasses and hadn’t figured out how to keep them from steaming up. But I did figure it out and I did get used to wearing a mask and it isn’t a big deal at all. I wear a mask to stay healthy, and I wear a mask to help my neighbors stay healthy. Because I’m not a jerk.
Even at the beginning when it felt kind of hard, I told myself, hey moron, it can’t be all that hard, because medical professionals do it all day long everyday. If they can do it, you can do it. So get with the damn program, self!
And before long, maybe within several weeks, I don’t remember exactly, putting on a mask felt no more inconvenience than putting on a damn shirt. Which I also do out of consideration for my neighbors, but we won’t get into that. 🤣