No, it's fine. We publish all sorts of things that aren't necessarily my cup of tea. But if you have met a Catholic nun who would disavow the official catechism, which teaches then we gay people are depraved and disordered, you've met one more then I've ever been able to identify.
I once broke off a friendship with a nun when she would no disavow those horrific teachings. The weird thing is, she couldn't understand what I was upset about.
You know, I can sort of understand with older priests and nuns. But a young man or woman today? Taking vows to the Catholic Church TODAY?
They 100% know that the Catholic Church is committed to extremist homophobic hate speech.
They are contemptible, disgusting, vicious people.
The only thing I want to say to any Catholic nun or priest I meet is that I AM NOT DEPRAVED, but by accepting that disgusting teaching about me, they demonstrate exactly how sickening and disgusting they are as human beings.