My reply was not derogatory; it was simply a truthful observation about your morality.
You believe that it's necessary to be transphobic in order to live one's truth, and by doing that you are co-opting language of freedom and equality to support bigotry.
Your morality is extremely poor. That's an extremely immoral attitude on your part.
You may be open-minded, I have no idea, but you are weak-minded and morally defective in your thinking.
I shared the comment you made with several transgender people, and they agree that your ideas are starkly immoral, and I could use much stronger words than that, I assure you.
Because you think that oppresing people is living one's truth.
Shame on you for being so immoral.
And again, I don't say that to be derogatory. I say that to point out to you that oppressing people is wrong, and better pressing people is not a matter of living ones truth.
You are dead wrong about that, and you are immoral.