Little different, I guess, from corporate pinkwashing during LGBTQ Pride month. Suddenly, most major retail outlets display rainbow colors and tell the world about how cool and wonderful they are for being inclusive.
Of course, these same corporations aren't anything like reliable LGBTQ allies. In some cases, they're closer to our enemies as they donate to and support politicians trying to destroy us.
Corporate "Pride" is often just a marketing gimmick, and so (in my opinion) is corporate Black History Month. It's all about making the corporation look good to potential customers, not about actually contributing to educating the public about Black history.
Reminds me of the time a Facebook contractor approached me about featuring a private Facebook group I help manage in official Facebook Pride observances.
Th catch was, we had to remove any content from the group that was not "positive," and we had to solicit "positive" content from members.
I told the contractor, who claimed to be gay, to shove his Uncle Tom pinkwashing where the sun doesn't shine.