Kurt, Biden is a politician, and like any politician his stock in trade is support from interest groups. He responds to pressure, like any politician. He came after LGBTQ support hard during the primaries and the general election. I voted for him in the primaries, even though he’s not my guy. Of course I voted for him in the general election, because dumping Trump was too important to worry about anything else.
But Biden wanted more than our votes. He wanted our money, our networking, our mailing lists, and our full-throated support. And we gave it to him — all of it, practically without reservation.
In return, he made some broad promises and some very specific ones. Broadly, he promised to be a revolutionary pro-LGBTQ president. He’s promised to change EVERYTHING, to make our concerns his concerns and be our fierce champion.
Specifically, be made promises about legislation, executive orders, and regulations.
Now, before he even takes office, he’s let us know his biggest specific promise is off the table for the foreseeable future.
Broadly, have you seen any member of the Biden transition team bringing up LGBTQ equality in public? I haven’t. I listened to a speech Harris made yesterday about the Biden administration policies, how they are going to change America for the better, make it more just and more equal.
Know how many words she uttered about LGBTQ issues? Zero words.
Some fierce champion! We’ll be patient for a while. But if Biden and Harris fuck us over, all hell is going to break loose. Marginalized minorities are used to be fucked by politicians. Politicians love to take us for granted, make promises when they need us and excuses after our utility is exhausted.
This article is a shot over the bow.