Just so you know, a bowfin is an ancient fish native to North America. But for some odd reason anglers hate them. They’ve gained a reputation as being a trash fish, a nasty bottom feeder, and an invasive species. Sport fisherman are known to hook them and instead of releasing them kill them and throwing them up on shore.
The weird thing is that none of these negative things about them are true. They’re a beautiful fish, a predator rather than a bottom feeder, and because of their ability to live in oxygen deprived water, play a critical function in the aquatic ecosystem.
They are a lot of fun to catch, being really strong and generally pretty darn big for the bodies of water they’re found in.
To top it all off, contrary to popular expectation, they’re actually delicious when you cook them, kind of like carp, which have also earned an unfair reputation for tasting bad.
There, probably more than you ever wanted to know about fishing. Lol