Just as I was about to clap for the story I noticed your bio about wanting to be a big bad wolf. Doesn't that just say so much about the story you've written here?
Know how many men probably agonize about being "sluts?" I don't mean feel conflicted or a little guilty now and then. I mean the kind of gut-wrenching agonizing that motivates them to spend years writing a novel and getting it right.
Yeah, I bet the number approaches zero.
Men are SUPPOSED to be big bad wolves!
From the time we're young teenage boys, we're conditioned to take pride in sexual conquest. There's always that wink and nod from an authority figure even if we're being scolded. From our peers, tales of sexual derring do produce congratulations, boasts, and one-upsmanship.
Whores? Why, we're virile, healthy young men. Can't expect us to be monks! Cough.
It's the rare man who loses respect from his male peers because he has too much sex with too many partners. Hell, his peers want to BE him.
Maybe we'll know we've reached some sort of societal gender equity when women stop feeling compelled to write novels grappling with sexual guilt.
I'm not saying we should be trying to get to a place where women behave like men do today. But surely there's a better place to get to than where we are.