I've been thinking about that a lot this weekend with respect to queer issues. I published an article the other day about a 16-year-old transgender teenager who was brutally beaten by his peers (because he's transgender) in a small liberal town in Massachusetts that I know pretty well.
I kind of thought I should hurry with the story, because I thought that it would be talked about so much in major media that my own viewpoint could get lost.
But actually, while the story was covered in New England, no major national news media picked it up. No major news source so far has picked up a story about an example of an increasing trend in the United States (and elsewhere) of physical brutality against queer youth.
The story didn't even appear in my Google newsfeed about LGBTQ topics.
It seems like the worst things get, the less people care.
Oh, by the way, I should mention while I'm thinking about it that our P&P editor from Kolkata (currently studying at a university several hundred miles away) told me yesterday that his mother just went out to protest that hospital rape. That's really significant for his mother, because sh generally doesn't approve of street protest. And she's been recuperating from a really badly broken leg. She took to the streets despite all that!
It seems like Indian women are really fed up right now, and I think these protests are going to continue.
I hope so!
And, please, keep up with the good fight to interest people in stories that major media won't care about!