I've been following this closely for a long time. As a gay man, and as a man who was rejected by my religious communities when I was young, I've been cheering the UMC for becoming more affirming and more loving.
To be clear about what's going on, the whole disaffiliation thing started when homophobic bigots in the UMC managed to vote down the One Church plan, which would have left matters of LGBTQ affirmation up to individual congregations as a matter of conscience.
That was obviously a fair and equitable solution for everyone. Nobody could possibly have an objection to that, right?
Well, the vicious homophobes who are disaffiliating from the UMC now had a huge problem with it. They can't even stand to belong to a denomination that includes congregations that affirm and love people like me — that don't morally condemn me and exclude me.
I'm delighted the disaffiliation is happening, really. It clarifies things so much. After December ends and disaffiliation is done, then I know that when I drive by a church that is part of the United Methodist Conference, I will be driving by a church filled with good, loving, decent people — people I don't have to fear.
On the other hand, if I see a church that has left the UMC, then I know that it's filled with disgusting homophobic haters I should very much fear.
They hate me so much they won't even be part of a denomination that accepts people like me.
The wonderful thing about all this is only about 20% of UMC congregations are leaving. So we can see very clearly that most United Methodists are lovely people. That's such a positive message! It's so cheering and warming for queer people to see that!
The 20% who hate us so much that they're leaving? Yes, that's super discouraging and even frightening. But at least we can now clearly see who the monsters are.
This is an awesome time to think about shaking the dust off one's sandals.