It's worth noting that very good data indicates that the LGB without the T crowd are very very small minorities in the U.S., although they do their best to ally with political conservatives and religious conservatives to be loud, and to therefore appear more significant than they actually are... At least among LGBTQ people.
I really see little difference between now and the era of Act Up. Act Up today is almost uniformly considered heroic and successful. But when I was a member out marching in the streets and doing safer-sex education, I almost always experienced fringe opposition from loud LGBT people telling us we were doing more harm than good.
They insisted that if we would only calm down and act "normal," the general public would stop hating us, and by extension stop hating them, the self-declared "respectable" LGBT people.
Plus ça change ...
The more they stay the same.
It's encouraging to know that every major LGBT advocacy group in the U. S. is trans inclusive, and their leadership ranks are often heavily trans inclusive, beyond what you might expect from mere population numbers.
This is encouraging!
Also encouraging are surveys showing that the "LGB without the T" movement finds very little support among US LGBT people.
We should be cautious work hard to counter the messaging, because it sure matters. But I don't think we should be overly discouraged or take the wrong message from the existence of a loud fringe.