It's very difficult to comprehend an organization that says it stands for Christian values and love, but then elevates and praises one of their top leaders who collaborated in genocide. It's just like the situation in Poland 3 years ago when Catholic Bishops took actions they had to know would cause street violence against LGBTQ people. Not a single one of their colleagues, and certainly not Pope Francis, spoke up publicly to condemn those bishops after the inevitable violence took place.
I don't know what it is with the Catholic Church enabling evil in their leaders, but it seems to be almost a requirement of the job.
Like a couple years ago when the US Conference of Catholic Bishops tried to stop a bipartisan Federal suicide hotline in the United States because it reaches out to LGBTQ people. When Catholic lay people broke that news in the press, people were just flabbergasted and outraged at the evil.
But predictably, not a single leader in the Church has spoken up to call those bishops out as the monsters that they are.
There's something about the Catholic Church that does that, and I don't understand it. I don't know why Catholic priests and bishops so routinely ignore or excuse the horrifying behavior of their colleagues. The only explanation that makes any sense is that something about the institution is fundamentally diseased.