It’s not my job or the job of any other LGBTQ person to educate you about how and why we do things. Don’t you dare try to turn this around on me. Don’t you dare.
You presume to publish a piece telling us we’re doing things wrong and to dismiss our pronoun customs. How horrible of you!
If you don’t like the way we do things, that’s tough. Get over it, because we are not going to change because you don’t like it. You don’t matter, and you need to wrap your mind around that. What you think does not count.
If you want to know why we do particular things, if you want to educate yourself about why any marginalized minority does particular things, then educate yourself. Go do it right now, start with Google.
Until you do that, stop dismissing us. Shut your mouth and keep your criticism to yourself where it belongs.
LGBTQ people are sick and tired, sick and FUCKING tired, of smarmy critics like you.
We’re sick of the constant avalanche of people whining and moaning about pronouns. You don’t like it? Tough, nobody asked you to like it. But respecting pronouns isn’t hard. Despite your stupid article, it’s not hard at all.
So why don’t you just start respecting us instead of writing stupid articles.
Let that respect begin with educating yourself rather than demanding that somebody put it on a spoon for you.
Jesus fucking Christ.