It's just sickening when you Christians talk like this, as if we queer people have some sort of objectionable "lifestyle."
I for one am sick of this sort of barely concealed hate speech.
Look, you guys don't own the damn rainbow. Rainbows existed before humans existed, millions of years before humans existed. You guys want to attach your superstitious mythology to it, that's your privilege.
The cultures all over the world have different mythologies for rainbows, and always have. We queer people use the rainbow for reasons that have nothing to do with your superstitious myths.
You don't like that we use the rainbow? We don't care. We despise you people anyway, you judgmental creeps with your talk of lifestyles — your snide sense of moral superiority.
When I see language like that, I stop reading, just like I've stopped reading right now.
Because I'm sick and tired of your judgmental, arrogant religious beliefs.
When you can talk about us in human terms rather than condemning our lifestyles, get back to me.
Until then, I recognize you as the homophobic creep that you are.