It takes a special kind of Orwellian chutzpah to leave a network just because they began to rarely include gay people in films and marketing – and then claim that your critics are being divisive.
Divisiveness is having a fit over occasional portrayal of same-sex couples in Christmas movies. Divisiveness is starting your own network so you don't have to see that.
Divisiveness is broadcasting the attitude that queer people are so contaminating that simply curating your private viewing choices isn't enough. If you have to help start an entertainment company that promises to make such private curation unnecessary, that's the definition of divisiveness.
This woman and her odious brother (currently promoting a series of children's books that mock transgender people) are thoroughly divisive. They want to divide themselves into a society of their own creation where queer people don't exist, where we've been banished from public perception.
So when she complains about divisiveness, let's all please remember to laugh, even if the laughter is bitter.