It is true that we Queer Nation members sometimes chanted this version, but we usually preferred, "We're here, we're queer, get used to it."
At least going by my fallible memory.
I think we perceived the "get used to it" version as a little more "in your face" and reclamatory, but I don't know exactly. Queer Nation leaders like Michelangelo Signorelli sometimes started chants from near the front of marches, but more often they seemed to arise spontaneously. And "get used to it" was very, very popular with marchers.
Act Up (made up of many of the same people who belonged to Queer Nation) started using that version of the chant too.
It really resonated.
But anyway, sorry for quibbling I just wanted to put that little detail out there, since I was there.
Thanks for the story!