Interestingly, I read a news article the other day about a study suggesting that ADHD traits might have been conserved in early hunter-gatherer populations because individuals with ADHD in those populations would have had more success with gathering.
I only skimmed the article, so I don't know how firm or substantiated the conclusions are, but it at least sounds like a plausible hypothesis.
And, if substantiated, it would be a good example of diversity helping to ensure group survival.
I've never really thought about LGBTQ-type identity being a type of neuro-diversity, but I don't find the idea terribly strange when I think about it. I mean, as a gay man, I "feel" my sexual and romantic attractions the way I "feel" anything - as a result of my brain processing stimuli.
I don't know if that's actually what you meant to say, and I apologize if I'm misunderstanding you, but it's an intriguing thought at least.