Interesting! You know, in New York City in the 1990s, a woman named Robyn Bird (I might be spelling that wrong) hosted a community-access cable TV talk show that became very popular. Thought leaders and moderately prominent people vied for guest spots. The show had remarkably high ratings for public access TV, which was more about airing PTA meetings and other events that only limited numbers of people were interested in.
The catch?
Robyn was naked when she interviewed her guests, and some of them were naked too, especially during the closing segment when she danced with guests as the closing credits rolled. (The camera stayed away from genital shots.)
I thought it was really cool, because while Robyn was not unattractive, she was a middle-aged woman who looked pretty ordinary for her age. She was not a model, or a sex bomb or anything like that (although she had made erotic films when she was younger), and her guests were often pretty ordinary looking too.
Those were liberating days, and Robyn was respected in NYC society, though not in conservative circles, obviously. I presumed her liberating ethos would eventually prevail, but I don't think her show would be successful today, not in the same way it was successful then.
That's sad to me.