Indeed. Look at the furious response Pope Francis just got in Belgium. He had been invited to celebrate an important anniversary of a Catholic university, and the remarks he made there were so sexist and anti-woman that the university itself issued a statement denouncing his remarks .
And then the prime minister and the Belgian king did the same.
On the plane ride back to the Vatican, the pope told reporters that people were "obtuse" to complain about his sexism.
One doubts that they will stop being obtuse, that they will cease crying for equality for women across society, despite what sexist religious leaders like the pope want.
As a gay man, I'm relentlessly aware of religious sexism, because so much of homophobia is actually sexism, or maybe more on point, it's misogynist. If you didn't devalue women, then comparing gay men to women wouldn't even make sense as an insult. But in our culture, it does make sense, doesn't it?
I'll never forget lying in bed one night when I was 16 years old and finally realizing I was an atheist, and that I could abandon all the Christian horseshit that I'd been taught all my life.
Remembering that night is kind of like a happy place. I can think about it and smile with joy.
You know, the next morning my mother asked me if I was in love. She could see something about me had changed.
I couldn't tell her why I was actually so joyful, because she was still caught up in Christian horseshit.