Indeed, Grey, and they also call for avoiding all signs of unjust discrimination. But you have to ask yourself what the leaders of the church really mean by that.
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops, it has just been revealed, worked behind the scenes for years to block passage of federal suicide prevention legislation, solely because the legislation reached out specifically to LGBTQ people.
The bishops tried to scuttle a law designed to save lives because they don’t believe acknowledging the existence of LGBTQ people as a class of people fits their dogma.
I don’t know about you, but the catechism’s positions on dignity don’t seem to make much difference when the bishops behave with such gross moral depravity.
They are showing us what dignity means to them — that we utterly lack dignity in their eyes. They are showing us that no discrimination is unjust in their eyes.
I have been writing about the homophobia of the Church for years, but I have never been as disgusted as I am now, after learning what the bishops did with respect to this law.
After I wrote a story about it, many people (LGBTQ and otherwise) have written to me and told me they are leaving the Catholic Church for good, feeling a “last straw” has finally broken their back. They just can’t do it anymore.