Indeed! And I was personally caught up in the end of that. As a young man serving as an officer in the Air Force, I was grilled under hot lights while hooked up to a polygraph machine, FBI examiners dead set on discovering if I was gay, like feral dogs fighting over a bone.
Because gay people were not allowed to hold security clearances, because we were “threats” to the nation.
So I know very close up and personal what it feels like to be a target of the kinds of monsters who are running the United States right now.
They’re judgmental, they're arrogant, and beyond all else they are opportunistic. They will target people like you and me if they can use it to obtain and hold on to power, which is what they ultimately lust after.
Trump himself is a prime example. He wants money and he wants power, and he'll do whatever it takes to get it, even if he doesn't even care about the issues.
He's obviously not a Christian, and he never cared about queer people before before his first term as president.
Look at this top advisors. Same story. Grasping, selfish, money hungry, and power hungry.
I do see hope, however. I see people waking up and realizing what's going on, reacting against the evil and the cruelty.
We're going to have to work together, all of us, to tell our stories and show ordinary, decent people exactly how harmful the cruelty is.
We can win this, by being living out loud, proud, fierce, and uncompromising.
Until ordinary people get sick of the cruelty.