In the United States at least, though, we have a big problem with the concept of teaching scientific literacy. You mentioned fundamentalist Christians already, and there's an important tie-in here. Conservative Christians in the United States are distinctly likely to reject scientific findings that disagree with their faith systems. Note for example that we have a multimillion dollar museum in Kentucky dedicated to "creation science" and the literal truth of Noah's flood. That museum is very popular. I see advertisements for it on television and social media all the time.
Note that last week, the Texas Board of Education refused to approve several high school science textbooks on the grounds that they were pushing "left-wing views" ... by not teaching alternatives to evolution.
Of course the manosphere you're talking about doesn't perfectly overlap the conservative Christian crowd, but insofar as it does, we're talking about people who have mastered the dissonance of living in a technological society made possible by the scientific method — while they selectively deny science when it contradicts their religious beliefs.
You can't reason somebody out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.
Yes, we need better science education, but even before that, we need better philosophy of science education. If even that would help ... which, who knows.