In fact, appointing this woman to the Supreme Court is almost certain to set human rights back, for women and LGBTQ people. We aren’t supposed to talk about this, according to powerful voices on both the left and the right, but president Trump just nominated an extremist religious fanatic to the highest court in the land.
We aren’t supposed to talk about her religious beliefs, because for some reason that’s supposed to be beyond the pale. But the fact is, she isn’t just Roman Catholics. If she were, I’d be comforted. According to both Pew and PRRI, most American Roman Catholics (excluding clergy and those in religious orders) support gender and LGBTQ equality — in some case in higher proportions than the general public.
But the fact is, this nominee belongs to an authoritarian cult that vilifies LGBTQ people and codifies women’s subjection to men. In the strongest of language.
She made a big point of showing off her many young children at the White House yesterday. I wonder if anyone stopped to reflect that if any one of them ends up being LGBTQ, the cult they belong to will torture them psychologically. They’ll be in for a life of rejection and hell.
And we’re not supposed to talk about that.
Well, I’m talking about it. Her cultist belief systems ought to disqualify her from making rulings that will impact the freedom of all Americans. Anyone who believes her extremist religious ideas will not impact her judicial positions is naive in the extreme.